Clark Kent
Powers and Abilities
Species: KryptonianPowers: Kryptonian Physiology, Solar Energy Absorption, Immeasurable Strength, Immeasurable Speed, Immeasurable Agility, Immeasurable Reflexes, Immeasurable Senses, Immeasurable Stamina, Immeasurable Accuracy, Immeasurable Dexterity, Nigh-Invulnerability, Rapid Regeneration, Limitless Longevity, Heat Vision, Arctic Breath, Flight, X-Ray VisionAbilities: Genius-Level Intelligence, Master Tacnician, Multilingualism, Master Combatant, Genius Fighting, Charisma, Leadership, Indomitable Willpower, Vast Connections, Kryptonian Technology
Superman is commonly thought of as the purest of all heroes due to his upstanding, highly ethical nature. Righteous, brave, and kind to a fault, he makes a point not to kill, will not resort to violence unless it is truly necessary, and there are only a handful of villains that he actually hates: Lex Luthor, Joker, Mongul, Darkseid, and Brainiac. Not only believing in his ideals, he embodies them, and devotes himself to spreading peace and happiness wherever he goes, he is almost universally loved and recognized as the symbol of hope.It’s this inherent goodness and charisma that allowed him to become good friends with Batman and Wonder Woman, to the point where they form the Justice League. As well as charm the heart of his love interest, the cynical city-girl Lois Lane.However, despite these virtues, he does suffer from his status as a "last son of Krypton "; his gifts as a constant reminder that he doesn’t “naturally” belong to this world, he does wonder if his idealism might be unfounded in the modern world. Furthermore, seeing how lionized his image has become, Superman sometimes worries that he might be not be able to fulfill the image the world has of him. Regardless, Superman is still seen as the pinnacle of heroism and an example for everyone to follow.
Powers and Abilities
𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬Kryptonian Physiology: Superman's cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than human tissue. He does not possess superhuman strength levels despite his enhanced cellular ability without his cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, his physical capabilities are identical to a human of his height and weight who engages in regular physical activity. As an alien, he possesses several organs whose functions are not yet disclosed or understood, but are believed to be part of or the source of his bio-matrix force field and reclamation aura. Superman's body also stores energy actively within his bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to his body's electromagnetic field. This energy powers most of his electromagnetic capabilities such as flight, heat vision and other "sight"-based abilities while supplementing his physical abilities to superhuman levels. Superman has been shown to repel Darkseid's Omega Beams with his heat vision and has been shown to handle extreme heat from the Earth's Core.Solar Radiation Absorption: As a Kryptonian, his cells function like a super battery, hyper metabolizing specific wavelengths of radiation as fuel to enable living functions and/or superhuman abilities. Different wavelengths of radiation have different effects on Superman's physiology and well being, but his cells cannot absorb or utilize all types of radiation. The wavelength of his home solar system's red sun enables his body to function on an identical level of a healthy human while the Earth's solar radiation in both its raw and filtered state through the Earth's atmosphere acts as fuel to enable all of his powers. Every time Superman uses any of his superhuman abilities, his body expends absorbed sunlight and he is capable utilizing any of them to various degrees through controlled circumstances. The solar-based radiation of a foreign blue star proved to increase his known abilities under a yellow sun to a higher degree and enabled additional powers. The existence and constant exposure to proven "healthy" radiation sources is not required for him to live and utilize his powers, but prolonged periods without exposure to them and/or utilizing his powers will require Kal-El to recharge in order to live and continue using his powers. His emotional state correlates to fluctuations in his solar storage. The more stress he is under, the more energy he retains from the sun.Superhuman Strength: Superman possesses near limitless strength, though the exact limits of Superman's strength is unknown. He is capable of lifting far in excess of one billion tons. Even being strong enough to break out of full Chrono-Suspension with just his strength. Different periods and intensities of exposure to Earth's solar radiation can cause his strength to fluctuate over time. Superman's known feats of strength include lifting an enormous pyramid and flying it to Mars without any strain, physically overpowering Darkseid in combat, moving Earth away from the Sun with aid of Green Lantern while Starbreaker was pushing it toward the Sun (a feat that would require quintillions tons of force), and having the strength necessary to shatter a small planet with numerous blows. Unhealthy levels of high exposure to solar radiation can exceed Superman's "normal" strength level. A great testament of Superman's strength is when he once lifted the Book of Infinite Pages which weights infinity if not, more than an universe momentarily before dropping the book.Superhuman Speed: He is capable of moving, reacting, running and flying at superhuman speeds. While not as fast as the Flash, Superman can still fly at speeds faster than speed of sound. He can use this power to disarm opponents, catch bullets or shrapnel and cross vast distances in seconds. Thanks to his training with the Flash. Superman has been able to use his speed very creatively when in combat and travel vast distances faster than he normally could. Superman's speed is so great that even time manipulation has little effect on him. He can even run and catch the Flash going at the speed of light, and capable of having a causal conversation with the Flash in attoseconds.Molecular Acceleration: Superman can vibrate his molecular structure at various levels to achieve various effects. If he chooses, Superman can excite the molecules of whatever substance he vibrates through to critical mass causing it to explode. He even casually caught Captain Marvel, Jr just by simply vibrating at hyper sonic speed, thus matching the speed of Mercury. By matching the vibratory frequency, Superman exorcised a phantom planet from reality, thus saving the universe.Intangibility: Superman can vibrate his molecules to achieve an intangible state. While in an intangible state, Superman is immune to all attacks. He can also vibrate so fast that light does not reflect off him, rendering him invisible.Phasing: Superman possesses the ability to control his speed and angular momentum at the molecular level, and control his molecular interactions to allow his body to pass through any substance.Superhuman AgilitySuperhuman Reflexes: Although Superman relies mostly on his invulnerability, his reaction speed is beyond faster than the finest human athlete.Superhuman Stamina: He has the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period. Clark has unlimited stamina if he is consistently exposed to Earth sunlight.Flight: Superman is capable of flying at supersonic speeds (over two thousand miles per second) in a planetary atmosphere and at faster-than-light speeds while in space. He once traveled from the Vega star to Earth - a distance of over 25 light years - in minutes if not seconds, meaning he is capable of flying over one million times the speed of light.Heat Vision: Superman can fire beams of intense heat from his eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing him to work undetected, and can be adjusted to affect matter on a microscopic level. Feats include powering up the giant ion planet moving engines, annihilating an army of Doomsday clones in one blast, potentially rivaling the heat of a Star and bypassing a target's outer shell, avoiding damage to a person's skull for surgical purposes.Invulnerability: His body is nigh-invulnerable due to his superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as his radiating bio-electrical aura. Superman is under some circumstances resistant or immune to different forms and levels of lacerations, blunt force trauma, energy-based assaults, falls from great heights, explosions, the cold void of space, toxins and all known diseases on Earth. His supercharged bio-electric "aura" acts as an invisible "force field" radiating within a few millimeters from his skin. He can willfully utilize his aura strengthening it's power to a greater degree to provide an additional defense against certain levels of physical and energy attacks for a considerably short period of time, but doing so can endanger him should the attempted feat prove inefficient for any reason. Superman utilizes his aura by expanding it around a person(s) or object(s) to enable their structural stability when lifting or traveling with them. Superman's invulnerability has been in constant flux over the years. He could surviving the blast of nuclear warheads, entering the Earth's sun and emerging unharmed, withstanding the impact of an exploding star, and surviving being in the vicinity of an explosion equal to 50 supernovas while already significantly weakened by red sunlight.Regenerative Healing Factor: In the extreme event that Superman is harmed, either by an alien matching his own strength or other occurrence, he has been shown to have the ability to heal almost instantaneously from moderate wounds, assuming that the process is not impeded from some outside factor i.e. Kryptonite. This "healing factor" is supplemented by his stores of solar energy. Since his healing factor works faster when closer to the sun, he must keep absorbing solar energy in order to heal death-like wounds until the process is complete.Longevity: Superman can potentially live indefinitely with no ageing to his being, so long as he continuously retains enough yellow solar radiation in his body.Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat or sleep so long he has enough yellow solar energy (but is still capable of doing so), and doesn't require oxygen to breathe enabling him to travel in space and underwater unprotected.Super-Breath: Superman can generate hurricane force winds by blowing, and also chill his breath to freeze a target. He can also breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it.Superhuman Senses: All of Superman's senses are heightened to superhuman levels.Superhuman Hearing: Superman has the ability to expand his hearing range, giving him the ability to hear sounds before the sound waves actually reaches him. This also gives him incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing him to pick up noises from across the globe. He has shown enough control to block out ambient sounds to focus on a specific source/frequency.Super Smell: On various occasions, Superman has demonstrated that his sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point he can smell odors across the entire planet.
Super Vision: Superman also possesses a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities.Electromagnetic Spectrum Vision: He can see into all of the EM Spectrum. Superman can see and identify radio/television and any and all broadcast/transmitted frequencies, allowing him to avoid detection through radar or satellite monitoring methods.Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus his vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.Thermal Vision: The ability of see through the heat tracks left by a living being or object.Super Flare: Superman's last resort power that he'd discovered through his heat vision, was the ability to immediately expel all of his stored solar energy in one gigantic burst of explosive force. This Solar Flare utilizes all the stored energy within his cells at once, allowing for an all out AoE attack. He cannot use it more than once or twice however, as it drains him of all his powers until he can recharge his cells with solar energy. Give or take 24 hours, in that expanse of time, he is rendered virtually human and vulnerable. Luckily for Superman, thanks to the training he received from the Justice League, he learned to keep his flares smaller and more contained, so that it doesn't take as long for his powers to come back.𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐬Expert Combatant: Superman has been trained by both Wildcat (in Boxing), and Mongul in the fighting arts. Superman has fought and learned from Wonder Woman. He has also learned more advanced martial arts techniques from Batman.Genius Intelligence: Superman has shown incredible intelligence and computational abilities; his mind works sharply and with extreme speed relative to earth-humans. His analytical powers are impressive — he is able to use his senses to read information directly from machines (and, with careful usage of his heat vision, he can even reprogram machines). Recently after he regained his powers in the "One Year Later" arc, his brain's intelligence has increased and it operates with much greater speed, procession, and analytical prowess, to the point he can recall things in such detail that he knows the ballistics of every shot by Bloodshot and the vector and mass of each and every one of Riot's bodies. He can see into one of the most advanced Kryptonian Sun Stone Battle Ships and watch energy patterns shift and change, trace command signals at light speed down branching, maze-like pathways whilst, at the same time, finding one small knot of circuitry.Master Social Intuit: Superman has great social confidence and remarkable ability to intuitively determine how to interact with others, gain their respect and get his point across with calmness, eloquence, and charisma as well as tremendous emotional control to suppress his rage even when peaked. Even while inexperienced, Clark was talented enough to be able to gain many jobs during his years of soul-searching, intuitively mastering how to appeal to potential employers and coworkers, with his social intuition making him well-liked by his fellow employees and employers even despite his lack of talent in the job, and displaying sufficient talent to avoid getting angry in the open, as shown by how he secretly crushed a metal pipe when aggressively dared by Ken Braverman to fight, and wrecking the truck of Ludlow when the latter insulted Clark and indecently groped Clark's female co-worker instead of directly confronting them immediately. As an illustrious Daily Planet reporter, gaining full social experience, Clark fully mastered social intuition, and was soon able enough to succesfully lead a school field trip to S.T.A.R. Labs, to remain calm in the face of Perry White’s condescending demeanor and refusal to allow him to undermine Batman through the press diplomatically interview Kahina Ziri's neighbors, and later Adriana Santos with objective non-confrontational questions, controlling his dismay and rage regarding what he was trying to learn and remaining calm even as they insulted and made clear their lack of faith in him.Master Journalist: Clark was always commendably insightful and deductive, as he was able to effortlessly tell right away that Zod couldn’t be trusted, seeing through his polite facade, based on his past criminal actions during the Krypton Civil War. This talent later on lead to him highly excelling as a reporter for the very famous and respected Daily Planet newspaper, quickly becoming an exceptionally skilled investigative reporter with skills nearly rivalling that of Lois Lane, displaying remarkable insight and investigative skills right away after getting hired as a junior reporter, quickly climbing through the ranks, being considered a nerd by Perry White, as after only a year, Clark had already twice earned the Elliot Prize for Investigative Journalism (the first of any of the Planet's reporters to earn such prestige so quickly), and his abilities as a reporter were enough to lead a school field trip to S.T.A.R. Labs, and to expertly interview Bruce Wayne, Kahina Ziri's neighbors, and Adriana Santos with objective non-confrontational questions.Indomitable Will: Superman has shown to have a powerful force of Will, completely free of evil or temptation. Having been raised by a kindly Kansas farmer and his wife, Superman was taught to protect life and help others. He is very optimistic and never gives up, even when things look bad.Leadership: Superman has proven many times over his ability to command respect and inspire others with his charisma, ardor, and idealism. He often serves as the primus inter pares of the Justice League.
The last son of krypton
Superman is a Kryptonian, born on the planet Krypton. His parents, Jor-El and Lara were scientists and knew from extensive research that their planet was facing a very imminent destruction. Jor-El had tried many times to convince the bureaucratic Kryptonian Council that they needed to create an escape program, but was continually asked to establish solid proof of his claims before they approved any such expansive programs.Jor-El's research progressed more and more, but action was put off so often that the planet was reaching its finals days before the Krytonians would do anything. Jor-El finally came to the conclusion that it was too late to do anything and told Lara they would need to resort to their own back-up plan, the safety of their son, Kal-El.Jor-El had prepared an escape rocket for his family, but was kept so busy with his attempts to prove Kyrpton's imminent destruction that he hadn't time to create anything more substantial than his test pod, which would only be big enough for a infant Kryptonian. Both Jor-El and Lara were in agreement about their son being saved. Lara packed their son with a blanket embroidered with a Kryptonian symbol on it and Jor-El packed a small encyclopedic computer program that would explain to their son who he was and where he came from once he landed.As Jor-El and Lara had come to expect the planet became unstable to the point that, there was no time left to form a proper escape program and once natural disasters started to plague the planet for its final hours, Jor-El and Lara kissed their son goodbye and launched him into space. Just moments after Kal-El's rocket escaped Krypton's orbit, the planet blew up.The rocket flew through the universe until its navigation system discovered the nearest planet on its course with a sustainable environment, Earth. Once the base-navigation system locked onto the planet's coordinates and a land mass the rocket's course was left to sheer chance and touched down in a rural part of Kansas called Smallville. Two farmers, Jonathan and Martha Kent, were driving along when they saw the explosion and immediately went to investigate. Jonathan approached the pod to see what it was and shortly it opened revealing of all things a small child inside.Jonathan and Martha decided to take young Kal-El in as their own, naming him Clark. The two farmers raised the infant alien as their own son, and taught him strict morals. As he grew, he gradually discovered his powers. Clark was very confused about his budding powers and started to think he was a freak. Confronted with their son's identity issues, the Kents decided it was the right time to tell him about his origins. The Kents had hidden away the Kryptonian pod that had carried him there, along with the blanket and clothing he had been wrapped in. Once Clark saw the pod, he found the device Jor-El and Lara had packed aboard, the device did a quick scan of him and it confirmed who he was and the program activated explaining the fate of Krypton. Clark initially was put off by the discovery and ran off to find himself as he came to terms with not only being an alien but finding out he was adopted.When Clark reached adulthood, he left Smallville to move to the city of Metropolis and get a job as a reporter at the Daily Planet, run by Perry White. As working for White, Clark would befriend cub photographer Jimmy Olsen and started a relationship with fellow reporter Lois Lane. A few years later, Superman would find out another member of his family, his cousin Kara Zor-El -who would later take up the Supergirl identity- had also survived the destruction of Krypton.Meanwhile, Clark rebranded himself as Superman. Soon enough Superman's exploits became legendary, he became regarded as the world's greatest hero, and eventually founder member of the Justice League. As not just a savior but a celebrity, Superman dedicated himself as a symbol of "Truth and Justice, and the American Way of Life".